Balancing Positive and Negative Interactions
(Also known as the Losada Line and the Positivity/Negativity Ratio)
Find the balance between positive, and negative.
© iStockphoto/shirhan
"However, you missed out some key information about our after-sales service, and I didn't like how you rushed through the last few slides. So I think you have some things to work on for next time."
If you received this feedback, chances are that you'd be feeling downcast, despite the fact that there were more compliments than criticisms.
Most of us realize on an instinctual level that there's a point at which negative feedback can damage productivity. What's surprising is that there is actually scientific evidence – The Losada Ratio – that backs this up.
In this article we'll look at the Losada Ratio, and we'll show you how you can use the idea behind it to help your people perform better.
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