Thursday 23 February, 2006
This article details five ways to get the most out of your network.
- Create Opportunities
Create opportunities to introduce yourself to people who have made a significant difference to business.
Send a letter of introduction, card or make a phone call expressing your interest in them and their work/ contribution to business and what an impact it has made on you or your organisation.
Mention that you would like to:
- write an article for them;
- interview them for your company newsletter as a role model;
- learn from them.
Most people are genuinely delighted (and often surprised) to have some positive feedback and if they have time, will respond favourably.
- write an article for them;
- Plan
When planning to go to a business function, take along several blank business cards with you in case someone does not have any cards with them. This way you can always walk away with their details.
Networking may begin with an exchange of details, but that is only the first step in building business. You have to make contact soon after, rather than just file their card and build the relationship before asking for business or referrals.
- Relevance
When leaving a function, write on the back of the card three things about them - one personal, one descriptive and one business interest. That way you will always have something to draw on when you meet or talk to them again that is relevant to them.
- Referral
If you have established a good relationship with a contact and they are happy to work or hear from you, ask how your information, product or service can help another colleague or associate.
Don't be afraid to ask your networks if they know of other groups who may benefit from meeting you, or how your products or services may be of value.
Offer them a free article for their interest or company newsletter to promote what you are doing, as well as inviting them to join you and their contact for a discussion.
- Relationship
Business is built on relationships and trust. The bigger your relationships the larger your network - the larger your network the larger your net worth.
If building your net worth is of interest to you–BUILD YOUR PROFILE.
Author Credits
Ricky Nowak CSP, Principal Confident Communications works
with many of Australia’s top 500 companies as a Key Note Speaker,
Facilitator, and Executive Coach. She specialises in Communication,
Leadership and Public Speaking. phone: 61 3 9500 9886 web address: Email:; mobile 61 419 83 9994
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