Mark Uncles Editorial Board
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thy consumer’ is a basic principle of brand management and of marketing
more generally. This principle is as important today as it has ever
been. But consumers aren't a fixed target. Consumers change: existing
consumers of a brand develop new needs, change their preferences, alter
their habits and acquire new skills for engaging in purchasing and
consumption; fresh consumers come into new and established markets, with
their own needs, preferences and skills. Pundits talk of contemporary
consumers as better informed and connected, more marketing literate and
savvier, than in the past, and as being more empowered. Some
commentators even describe this as a new economic order—an era of
consumer-centric commerce.1, 2
Assuming the pundits are correct, it would be surprising if these
momentous changes didn't have implications for the way consumers think
about brands and the way brands will be managed in future. The Buyer
Centric Commerce Forum puts it this way: ‘“person-centric commerce” is
set to transform how individuals and organisations interact and
transact, and change the way our economy works. Individuals in all their
roles—“consumer”, “employee”, “citizen”—will benefit greatly from
person centric services. So will the organisations that serve them’.3
contemporary savvy consumer is seen as someone who combines areas of
competency (particularly technological sophistication, network
competency and marketing/advertising literacy) with empowerment (especially self-confidence and self-efficacy).4
Before looking at the implications of this for brand management it is
worth taking a closer look at these components of consumer savvy.
Competency refers to practical skills and acquired knowledge to respond
to a constantly changing environment. It is seen in the technological
sophistication of consumers: they are ready and willing to adopt new
technologies (everything from SMS to interactive, participatory iCinema)
and they are comfortable multi-tasking with their technological toolkit
(seamlessly moving between PC access to websites, sending SMS-messages,
retrieving emails from their BlackBerry and being guided by GPS
navigation devices). Competency is also seen in the way consumers make
use of their networks: the capacity to harness a network of useful
personal contacts (to acquire up-to-date product information, to hear
about word-of-mouth recommendations and to make more informed choices)
and to tap into the online mega-net (with its bulletin boards,
chat-rooms, blogs, social gaming sites, virtual communities and
word-of-web information exchange). Competency is further manifest
through marketing/advertising literacy—the fact
that consumers are familiar with the ideas, objectives and methods of
marketing, advertising and marketing communications. This is evident in
the way consumers understand and use marketing terminology, the way they
closely follow developments in the media business, their capacity to
deconstruct and reconstruct marcoms and their readiness to offer
judgments about products, attributes, value and levels of service. Added
to which is their willingness to poke fun at business, such as the
irreverent YouTube spoofs of iconic ad campaigns and more sustained
attacks that are to be found on AdBuster-style anti-branding sites. Such
sophisticated literacy gives consumers greater control over what they
see, hear and read, especially when control is combined with enabling
technologies (the panoply of enablers that extends from the inter-net to
podcasts and webcasts, from personal shopping assistants to iPods and
iPhones).5, 6
by access to information, but time-poor, consumers are driven by
value-seeking—not just the value that accrues from consuming brands, but
also value in terms of quality interactions with the organisation
behind the brands. As such, they seek value-for-time,
value-for-attention and value-for-access to their personal information.7
The democratisation of access to information means that consumers have
enhanced self-confidence in their ability to perform behaviours related
to consumption—just think of the aptitude and astuteness of consumers
when they engage in online grocery shopping, online travel booking and
online gift-giving. Self-confidence is in many cases fully
justified—compared to conventional technologies, user-directed ones give
consumers remarkable levels of control (web users, for instance, decide
which websites to visit, bookmark and revisit, they choose whether to
navigate thoroughly or fleetingly, they determine if interaction should
occur, how often, on what terms and for what purpose). Consumers have
the ability and the confidence to ‘call the shots’.
isn't purely about techno-logy. Indeed, face-to-face interpersonal
networks remain important for social chit-chat and marketing literacy
can be as much about Hello-style magazine gossip as about an
understanding of the ramifications of digital technologies in the media
industry. Nevertheless, technology pro-vides a platform for many of the
changes. And the way consumers engage with technology is changing too.
Many of the new technologies are user-directed (website navigation,
e-kiosks, iTV, iPhones and so forth). User-direction requires the
consumer to shift from reliance on declarative knowledge (factual
information about attributes, terminology, evaluative criteria, facts
and usage situations in an area of interest) to more reliance on
procedural knowledge (knowledge of rules and procedures for action in
making decisions and taking action in an area of interest); if you like,
a shift from the old static view of knowledge to a dynamic,
contemporary view of knowledge. Consumers are skilled problem-solvers,
exhibiting confidence in their procedural knowledge, even in the absence
of sound declarative knowledge.8
Think of those installation and operating instructions that accompany
any new gadget purchase—consumers regard them as something to be read as
a last resort, if trial and error and intuition have failed. Rather
like the use of ‘cheats’ in the online gaming world, nowadays there is
something mildly embarrassing about having to look at instruction
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impact on brand management of changing consumers is evident in various
ways. Not least is the willingness of consumers to adopt new
technologies in droves, creating staggering opportunities for certain
players to become mega-brands, from online stars like Google and Yahoo!
to re-packaged, re-invigorated, hybrid off/online
businesses such as the BBC. In parallel, there is the stellar growth of
comparative newcomers such as social networking sites FaceBook and
MySpace and online gaming brands like JagX/RuneScape.
At a time when the big six US television networks have recorded
absolute falls in ad spend, online social network ad spending is forging
ahead—a current spend of $525,000 on MySpace and $200,000
on other general social network sites like Facebook, Bebo, Piczo and
Friendster, and all the signs are that these sums will grow
exponentially in the coming years.9
This phenomenon is not entirely new—there were plenty of technological
stars in the era, but even at the time we sensed that many were
only ever going to be shooting stars.10
By contrast, the mega-brands of today are committing to the
long-haul—as far as that is feasible in intensely open and competitive
Novel brand attributes come into play:
consumers of an online social network site want to share content,
communicate easily, interact in real-time and profile themselves (as
often as not by providing fictionalised portrayals). Ease of use, speed
and interactivity are valued attributes. Any brand that cannot match
consumer expectations in terms of these attributes is likely to find its
future very bleak. Information diffusion about brands is rapid through
offline and online word-of-mouth communication, through
marketer-controlled and uncontrolled buzz and viral communications.
Positive news travels faster, but so too does negative news. Deceits and
lies are uncovered, blogged and publicised. Exposure in cyberspace is
More and more opportunities exist for
consumers to engage with brands—through brand communities, product
sites, forums, blogs. But, simultaneously, there may be less and less
reason to engage—why should a consumer go to the trouble of engaging
when perhaps all that he or she wants is a value-for-money product that
will perform satisfactorily? Technological sophistication and network
competency combine to reduce information asymmetry which has
traditionally been biased toward the firm, giving the upper hand to
This conundrum is not fully appreciated by the marketing community.
Indeed, among marketers there is a tendency to focus on the upside
rather than dwell on the downside. Many marketers even fail to recognise
that there might be a downside. Organisations that serve consumers,
employees and citizens in the world of person-centric commerce will be
beneficiaries—so say the advocates12—but
along the way there will be losers and casualties, including some
businesses that over-estimate the desire of their consumers for
engagement at the expense of offering basic value-for-money.
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as all these impacts are, arguably the biggest challenge for brand
managers is how to contend with differences among consumers. Consumers
change, but not all at the same pace. Not all consumers are equally
savvy. Not all are equally empowered. Some consumers may display
competence in one area but not in another—think of the skilled computer
operator who is inept at, or indifferent to, mobile phone usage. The new
technological mega-brands appeal to the needs and aspirations of some
consumers more than others. Novel attributes are more important to
certain consumers than others. Online, there are consumers who fear for
their privacy, whereas others flagrantly disregard their privacy and the
privacy of others. Information diffuses faster through some groups than
others. Engagement is desired by some and shunned by others.
part this is generational. The under-thirties ‘are more savvy, more
materialistic, more media-saturated and more impatient than any
generation that's preceded them’.13
Gen Y—the so-called options generation—wants the freedom to exercise
choice. Among Australian Gen Ys, 99 per cent own a mobile phone, 99 per
cent use the internet regularly (up to six hours a day), almost 90 per
cent own a computer, 82 per cent own an MP3 player and 32 per cent are
prepared to admit to downloading music illegally in the previous four
Evidence, if evidence is needed, that these consumers are exercising
choice. Further down the generational ladder, teens, tweens and Gen M
know nothing but the exercise of choice, particularly when it comes to
new technologies. A quarter of Australian 6–11-year-olds now own a
mobile phone, using it for several hours each week, and they are also
increasingly heavy online users, claiming it is indispensable for
homework research and online assignments, although social uses figure
prominently too (online games, email, entertainment information, instant
In high school playgrounds, the brands that dominate conversation are
not necessarily old-timers like Disney, but the interactive,
multi-player, adventure and fantasy games—RuneScape, World of Warcraft
and Maple Story.
But the picture is more complicated
than this: it isn't simply that the young are savvy and the old aren't.
Indeed, many in the older generations are savvy and technologically
sophisticated. Moreover, older consumers are striving to be younger.
‘“Sixty is the new 50”, they want to assure us, because it reinforces
the conviction that they are much “younger” than their parents were at
the same age: they eat younger, dress younger, act younger, think
younger, feel younger’.16
Perhaps the real difference between the generations is Gen Y and Gen M
take digital, interactive technologies for granted—they are cyberspace
natives—whereas older generations are like immigrants who have, at
differing rates and with differing abilities, had to learn about this
brave new world.17
on these generational differences are variations in gender,
socio-economic status, access to technology, educational attainment and
ability—all the components that go to create, on the one hand, digital
communities, and, on the other hand, digital divides.
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view of these differences among consumers is that they coalesce into
neat segments that can be served by niche brands. Marketers have in mind
an engagement model where brands are seen as highly customised, and
therefore highly relevant, to particular groups of consumers, where
there is an emotional connection or bond between consumers and brands,
accompanied by strong socio-emotional relationships in physical and
virtual space. Relationships are at the core of this engagement model.
The gamut of marcoms then follows from the existence of these
relationships, not the other way round. ‘Brand engagement drives
directly to what the marketer is trying to do—get the customer involved
with the brand’.18
However, the reality may be far less comforting for those in brand
management—a fragile, fractured and fragmented landscape, where it is
increasingly difficult for brands to be neatly aligned with
well-defined, identifiable and stable groups of consumers. What we known
for sure is that in this landscape there is an even greater imperative
to ‘know thy consumer’.
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