Saturday, 29 September 2012

5 Interview Techniques

By: Alison Gayle Weir-Smith
As a recruitment consultant, one sees many different people for many different positions. Each one has their own way of trying to impress you. This article covers some of the things that have made the best impression on me.

1. Be on time.
There is nothing more frustrating than scheduling an appointment with a candidate who seems to be the right person for the job, and they arrive late, or do not even bother to show up. Should you end up running late, call and let the person you are meeting know! It only takes a few minutes, but it makes a huge difference to them. Now, they will not be irritated with you for being late because they knew it was going to happen and they did not sit around waiting for you instead of doing other work.

2. Greeting
When greeting, give a firm but not crushing handshake. Try not to look down and avoid eye contact. Speak clearly and smile! This sounds obvious, but not many people know that doing things this way makes you seem confident and friendly, even if you are shaking in your boots with nervousness.

3. Being prepared
Being prepared is very important. Most places will tell you what to bring with you, but even if they do not you should take a copy of your CV, a copy of your ID nad/or drivers license, copies of ALL your certificates and degrees and a copy of the most recent payslip you have. If you have been given reference letters by previous employers, take copies and originals of those along as well. Make sure you have references available, even if you have the contact numbers saved on your cell phone. If it is a company, not a recruitment agency, take the time to do research about them and know something about what they do.

4. Asking questions
Have a list of questions you would like to know the answers to. Not asking questions about things can make you seem indifferent and uninterested. Even if you just ask about the company that is fine.

5. Communication
Rule number one in communication is to always answer your phone, if that is impossible, then return the call as soon as you can. It is very frustrating to leave messages on a voice mail and never hear from the candidate again. even an email in response will do. Recruitment consultants always want to know how the interview went from your point of view, so do not make them call you, instead give them a call as soon as you are done. It makes life much easier for them and they will be more likely to keep you in mind for job opportunities if you a show that you are serious about finding a job.

In conclusion, whilst there are different things that work well for different positions, these are the ones that will make you more popular no matter what you are being interviewed for. But, do not just do it once, make it a habit and it will stand you in good stead.
Alison Weir-Smith is the owner of, the website for a recruitment agency.

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