Wednesday 7 November 2012

12 Step On-The-Job Sales Coaching Plan

Wednesday 14 November, 2007
Development of staff through on-the-job coaching is a critical function of modern-day sales managers. Here is a 12 step approach to assist you.
The reality is that most sales managers do not spend enough time with their staff in a coaching capacity. Providing constant feedback and being a role model who demonstrates the right skills. Many managers today are still focusing too heavily on short-term efficiency and not long-term effectiveness. 
On-the-job coaching is something that managers recognise they need to do with junior members of the team. However, when it comes to a salesperson with several years experience, the sales manager would prefer not to do it. The rationale goes along the line that the senior salesperson does not need it. They have been selling for years and they would resent the sales manager going out on a coaching day with them.
It is true that it's not much use going out to coach people if you cannot add anything to the call. However, you are the sales manager and you should be able to add something to even the most accomplished salesperson.
Added to which is the fact that those salespeople who have been selling for years are not automatically good salespeople and the job of selling is constantly changing.
The 12 step approach for on-the-job sales coaching involves three phases:
  1. Before the call

  2. During the call

  3. After the call

Before the call 
  1. Check the customer records, etc.

  2. Question the objectives of the call: "Anything else? Can we aim higher?"

  3. Review the call/sales plan/presentation plan:

    • Key sales techniques.

    • Likely objections and solutions.

    • Any problem areas and recommendations.

    • Role play important points if necessary.

  4. Agree on your role. Usually keep quiet and observe the call.

  5. Summarise and encourage.

During the call
  1. Watch and listen:

    • How the call goes versus the plan.

    • Strengths.

    • Weaknesses.

    • Improvements from last time.

After the call
  1. Decide on the key learning points:

    • 2 or 3, no more.

    • Identify some good points.

  2. Overview the call:

    • What happened versus the plan?

    • Let the salesperson lead: "How did you go against your plan?"

    • What did you achieve compared to what your objectives were?

    • Don't get into the detail of the call at this stage.

  3. Analysis of strengths:

    • What did you do well?

    • Let the salesperson take the lead. Add your own comments.

  4. Analysis of weaknesses:

    • What would you have done differently?

    • Use non directive questioning techniques to let the salesperson solve their own problems. Avoid telling. Focus the questions to the areas where the key learning points are.

    • Why did it go wrong?

    • What should you have done? Why?

    • Role play if necessary.

  5. Agree on an action plan to address the learning points.

  6. Agree on the next action with the customer.

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