Tuesday 30 October, 2012
There are two types of performance feedback that give CEOs
and managers their greatest headache - the inconsistent performer and
the high performer. Whilst the principles of good feedback always apply
these two types of performers seem to need a slightly different
And as for the high performers, if only you could clone them! Yet just giving them praise doesn't feel right, nor does finding fault just for the sake of it. The question is how do you give feedback that is honest and which also makes the feedback process feel of value to you and the employee.
It seems straightforward enough to find general tips on giving feedback in these situations, but some managers want (and need) more specific language and key phrases that can be used. This article will cover both some general principles as well as provide some specific phrases that have been proven to work.
It is critical to note that every person and every situation is unique, so feel free to refine these tips to suit your precise situation - they are a guide and cannot be a magical solution to every circumstance.
Inconsistent performers
Let's begin with the employee who is inconsistent - the person who sometimes performs really well and yet at other times delivers work that is below or even well below what is expected. This could be the employee who is great with customers yet cannot complete order and delivery paperwork correctly.It is important to praise their good work and also to schedule your feedback for a period when they are on an up! Make sure there is something positive to tell them as it is your comparison point and will help you draw appropriate attention to the fact that they can perform well, yet do not do it consistently
In terms of specific language: "I appreciate your good work (include a specific an example) and that's what makes it confusing for me when you (now give an example of the below expectation performance).
Then ask for them to help you understand why there is a variation or difference.
Using an example it would be "Pat I appreciate your good work and the way you handled the product return from Mr Jones on Thursday, and that's what makes it confusing for me when you are rude and swear at your colleagues like you did with Jo on Friday. Can you help me to clarify that or help me understand why there is such a difference?"
It is important to give the employee an opportunity to respond as there may be a very good reason for the inconsistent performance:
- Some staff may only want to deal with people and not paperwork or
process (in which case you need to consider how we'll suited they are to
the role they have)
- Others may have a personality clash with another employee (you need to consider conflict management, some coaching to develop interpersonal skills or whether people are suited to their roles)
When providing feedback your focus is purely on the impact at work - on colleagues, you and customers - and that is where your attention must be especially at the start of the meeting. In terms of inviting their input and agreeing next steps, you may very well get into some of the reasons behind the performance - and that could be the time to seek specific and specialist advice on how to most appropriately handle the situation.
High performers
Many leaders say that they wish they had a team of high performers. However this can create problems too. If you have a team of high achievers, you must wonder who will be happy to do the lower level or lower impact tasks? Those things that are still essential to the success of the business yet may not be desirable to a high performer. A team of high performers can be a greater flight risk too - in other words, because they are so good (and often know it) they are more likely to resign or be poached by another employer.Giving good feedback to top performers can be challenging because:
- If you praise them too much they may feel there is no challenge
left in your company and they'll go somewhere else to find a challenge!
- It can feel artificial and awkward to tell someone they are perfect - is anyone really perfect?
- It may not be what they need
Discover if the person is super competitive with themselves and likes a challenge and stretch. If that's the case, you might get them involved in special projects or some additional and complex tasks that align with their current work
Some high performers are very proficient at their work, love what they do and want to keep doing it. Giving these individuals extra tasks or stretching them may make them uncomfortable and have them thinking of resigning!
Deliver the feedback that you value and appreciate their work and their contribution.
Then ask if there is anything they would like to add or how they would like their goals or objectives structured in the year ahead.
Yes there is the risk that you'll be asked for a pay increase - but research consistently shows that money is not the only motivator, so don't be side tracked by that request.
The critical factor is get to know your people. Your feedback is based on your observations yet their perspective is also important.
A successful opening may well be "It seems to me that you are putting in some effort and doing some great work, do you think you are achieving the results you set out to?"
And this line works well if someone is not performing well (just omit the comments about doing great work - performance feedback is no time for lies or surprises)
All the best with your performance feedback conversations!
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